When DeAgostini asked us to brainstorm any ideas for this Elvis special, i said: "Wouldn't it be cool if we opened on a picture of Elvis sitting at home on his guitar and we track forward into the photo and into Gracelands?" DeAg loved that so much they sent me to Gracelands to sort the ad out. I had one day there with a photographer taking pictures of everything at every angle so I could re-build the room in Lightwave. BTW, every white person I met in Memphis, apart from the cool local photographer is a racist twat. Take this example: When the (black) cab driver picked me up to take me back to the airport from the Steak House around the corner, everyone stopped eating and looked at him. We had a great time laughing about that as he drove me to the airport. Apparently 'they' aren't welcome in that Steak House. Really? REALLY?