[LiDAR: Light Detection And Ranging] In my spare time I 3D render Iron Age hillforts in the UK. As there are over 4000 of them it’s a bit of a long-term passion project. Mind you, I have discovered two unrecorded hillforts, circa 2500 years old and one Bronze age bowl barrow (doughnut shaped burial mound) which may be a LOT older. Every time I complete a county’s hillforts, I send my findings to Gary Lock (Oxford Uni) and Ian Ralston (Edinburgh Uni) who co-wrote the definitive ‘The Atlas of Hillforts’ to add to their archive for student/professional access. Each county Historic Environment Record (HER) office also receives my visuals for their records. Here are some sample images. The Iron Age hillfort beneath Wimbledon's golf course and the Roman town of Verulamium (St Albans). You can find my regular uploads on Instagram (@mrtedgfx) or click the Instagram link on the top right on the menu bar or my LiDAR website below.